
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Random thoughts

Been a while since I wrote..there are times when I really want to say a lot..but during those moments I am invariably never near my laptop...and then when I am I just am not inspired anymore. These combo moments don't happen often so this moment is definitely something that needs to be cherished..
By who you say!! :) well noone but me and me alone...
I am not a great writer and have also been told so by people who's opinion matters, but hey this is MY Space...MY Queendom. And this is MY online thought keeper. I don't even expect people to read any of what I write, leave alone comment on what the hell!

A couple of years ago while I watched a play at Rangashankara the first thoughts of what I want to pen down now were seeded into my brain! I had probably just about turned 30 then.This character from the play came forward and was trying to explain what being 32 was all about! He was funny and I remember to have laughed then without actually understanding what he meant...
I do not remember the exact words but in essence he was trying to explain that being 32 now meant he would not be in his 20s or younger ever again. He would not probably ever be Mr.India or be 5 feet 10 inches tall. Or be the youngest genius to have achieved a feat et al... he said it real funny..but the underlying truth to what he said has just about hit me in the last few days..
Am not unhappy about being 32..thats not it at all. Its not a great feeling to be getting older but 32 is definitely not old...
But lately its hit me that there are these small things that you secretly always wish will happen and continue to strengthen that belief each time you see something relevant..and these are almost always your own secret beliefs and wishes....and then POOF! you realise that time has actually flown past......but you still don't actually realise that it has!
All those little things that would have mattered had they happened would now never since the time has gone by!!
And now I know what experience was telling me at that point and I did not have the experience to listen to experience then...

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